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The schedule of funeral services for the late +Most Reverend Stephen Chmilar

December 27 - December 28

Glory to Jesus Christ!  Слaвa Iсусу Xристу!

Dear Rt. Reverend, Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers,

Protodeacons, Deacons & Subdeacons, brothers and sisters in Christ!

With profound sadness, we hasten to inform you that Most Reverend Stephen Chmilar, Bishop-Emeritus of Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada, has reposed in the Lord, December 21, 2024.

We entrust to your fervent prayers the peaceful repose of his soul.  On behalf of Bishop Bryan and all eparchial clergy, we would like to convey our very heartfelt condolences to all Bishop Stephen’s Family.

God of spirits and all flesh,

You trampled death, You made the devil powerless,

and You gave life to Your world.

Now, O Lord, to the soul of Your servant,

+ Most Reverend Stephen  who has fallen asleep,

grant him rest in a place of light, a place of verdure, and a place of tranquility,

from which pain, sorrow and mourning have fled.

As the good and loving God, forgive every sin of thought, word or deed he has committed.

There is no one who will live and will not sin, for You alone are sinless.

Your justice is everlasting justice and Your word is truth.


For You, O Christ our God, are the Resurrection, the Life and the Repose

of Your servant,  + Most Reverend Stephen who has fallen asleep,

and we give glory to You,

together with Your eternal Father

and Your most holy, good and life-giving Spirit

now and forever and ever .


Eternal Memory!  Вiчнaя Пaмять!


WHERE:  Holy Dormition Ukrainian Catholic Church,  3625 Cawthra Rd, Mississauga, ON L5A 2Y4

Friday, December 27, 2024 (Feast of St. Stephen Protomartyr)

11.30 am Reception of mortal remains of Bishop Stephen into the church

12.00 noon  Parastas for Bishop (part 1)

2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Visitation/Private Prayers

6:00 pm Parastas for Bishop (part 2)

8:00 pm Continuation of  Visitation/Private Prayers

Saturday, December 28, 2024 (Saturday after Christmas)

9:00 am Divine Liturgy, Last Farewell (Посліднє Цілування), Panakhyda, Procession around the church.

Afterwards, transfer of Bishop Stephen’s mortal remains to Alberta.

Розклад похоронних богослужінь

В Торонтонській єпархії усі похоронні богослужіння відбудуться у храмі Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці (Міссісаґа), де владика Стефан служив довгі роки і де відбулась його хіротонія та інтронізація (3625 Cawthra Rd, Mississauga, ON L5A 2Y4).

П’ятниця, 27 грудня (св. Стефана)

11:30 — прийняття тіла до храму.
12:00 — Архиєрейський парастас (частина 1).
14:00–18:00 — Хід вірних попри домовину.
18:00 — Архиєрейський парастас (частина 2).
Після 20:00 — Хід вірних попри домовину (продовження).

Субота, 28 грудня (субота по Різдві)

9:00 — Божественна Літургія, Останнє цілування, Панахида, Обхід довкола храму.

Вічная памʼять


December 27
December 28

Change Language To: Ukrainian


Contact info

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy
of Toronto and Eastern Canada

4 Bellwoods Avenue Toronto, ON M6J 2P4

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +1 (647) 351-9526

Safeguarding Hotline:
+1 (833)-553-2233



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Please send your donations by cheque, payable to: "The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada"

Thank you!

God Bless You!